Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Word of Preparation from the Lord

A number of years ago, the Lord gave me a word, a vision if you will, of a work to be done. The Tribulation is coming. The work is to help prepare for those who will go through it. This video is an invitation to you, to participate in this work. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

From The Heart: A Vision For Our Time

Many preachers and Bible teachers are telling us about the Great Tribulation, but are any of them telling us what to do? Do you have unsaved family, friends, and co-workers? What will they do? Will they make it through? Is it just a matter of leaving them a salvation tract and a Bible? Will that be enough? Bible teacher Daniel Tate shares his vision of practical steps you can take to help them.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

From the Heart: The Great Multitude

A look at the Great Multitude in the Book of Revelation. Who is the Great Multitude? Is it the Church? Do we all have the same purpose in heaven? What type of Christian am I? What spiritual gift do I have? Do I have a reward in heaven? What can I do?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Revelation A New Look: Part 8 The Lampstands (4)

The church at Sardis part 2. What does Jesus mean by white garments? How do Christians enter the Kingdom? Can my name be erased from The Book of Life?

Revelation A New Look: Part 7 Matthew 24 - The Great Tribulation

The end of the age: When? Why? What were the days of Noah like? 8 were saved in the days of Noah, will any be saved at the end of the age? Will the church be judged? To whom does the judgment apply?

Revelation A New Look: Part 6 The Lampstands (3)

A look at the church at Sardis. What does the number 7 mean? Is the Great Tribulation 7 years or 3 and 1/2 years? What is meant by the abomination of desolation?

Revelation A New Look Part 5: The Lampstands (2)

The church at Thyatira, did it exist when Revelation was written? Who evangelized this church? What does Jesus mean by "your deeds?" What does it mean to overcome? How are these churches saved?

Revelation A New Look Part 4: The Lampstands (1)

The churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum. Are the churches in Revelation compatible with Paul's epistles? What is Jesus's relationship to them? What are the consequences if they don't obey his warnings?

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Revelation A New Look Part 3: Who is the Church?

Who are the 7 "Churches" of Revelation? Are they historical, or are they time periods? Or are they something else?

Revelation A New Look Part 2: The Recipients

Who are the members of these 7 congregations? Was Paul's ministry to these 7? Was Jesus in Revelation speaking to the same assemblies as Paul?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

New Podcast Series Part 1

Are modern interpretations of the Book of Revelation accurate? My new podcast series will explore that very question.